Online Qualitative Questionnaire Analysis/Evaluation

I developed a target audience qualitative questionnaire on Google docs and launched it on my facebook page on 4th January, 2015. I removed it from facebook on 14th January, 2015 for analysis and evaluation. There were only twelve participants who responded over the ten days this questionnaire was live. I personally believe, many potential participants were put off, by the fact that they would have to submit a time consuming written response, instead of just ticking a box, which is typically associated with a quantitative questionnaire.

1. What is your gender?
Six male and six female participants responded. No one selected the option ‘I do not wish to comment’.

2. What is your age?

The mean age is 23.42 years
The median age is 18.5 years
The range age is 33 years
The mode age is 17 years

Statistically, it is fair to say that placing a questionnaire on a social networking site will entice the younger participant. For a balanced reflection, from a wider spectrum in age, I should have circulated a paper based questionnaire.

3. Education level completed

Only one person did not indicate their educational level, but from the results, all the other participants recorded their level completed. Education level can tell a lot about a person’s ideas and comments and the way they construct their criticism.

4. What is your occupation?

5. How would you describe your local area, in terms of scenery, noise and average education level?

The majority of the respondents gave a good detailed account, allowing them to reflect and project their local surroundings. One 21 year old male painted a geographical image:

“We live a few miles south from the hassle and bustle of London and a few miles north of the picaresque country side of Surrey, so we have the best of both. My town can be noisy at times, but is kept clean and tidy. We have a high education level.”

Whilst an older female gave a detailed account:

“The area, in which I live, is quite industrial. Although there are several rural opening spaces and parks that surround the local town. The noise level increases during the day, with heavy vehicles delivering goods to shops and industry. The evenings tend to bring calm natural noises. There are all type of professionals in my local area, but I would say that most adults have either been to college to learn a trade or completed their A level examinations.”

6. What genre of film, can you identify from the script draft?

Two respondents offered two different genres. However, I was pleased to note that ‘Social Realism’ was amongst the suggestions, with two people offering just realism as a genre. A seventeen year old student had chosen to indicate it was a soap opera. Soap operas do take everyday situations and dramatise them for entertainment value. Who knows my introduction project may become a topical area in the land of soap!

7. What themes or issues can you identify?

Several participants offered more than one answer, but on evaluating the outcome I am pleased to note that sexuality in one form or another was offered. Therefore, the script contained just enough hints to classify the themes and issues. If I have to redraft my script then I will endeavour to implement enough hints to the themes and issues, I am trying to convey, without them the overall representation would not be fully established.

8. Do you think that the script will evoke any tension or emotion? If yes, then please describe.

Every person responded that tension or emotion will be evoked. Some of the comments are as follows:

“Yes. tension when the door slams in the final part of your script and sympathetic emotion for the main character.”

“Sad to think he has to hide away”

“yes, sympathy for Mark as no one knows his secret”

“Yes, tension at the end... does he get caught?”

I will have to ensure that during filming or redrafting a script that a sense of empathy will be felt by the consumer of my product.

9. Do you feel that the character Mark could include any more hints within the introduction, to classify the overall theme? It so your detailed response would be appreciated.

Only a couple of people decided to comment:-

“If Mark likes wearing dresses, does he like makeup too? How about a pair of high heel shoes?”

“maybe his body language.”

“yes perhaps evoke other senses such as scent (perfume?) to show this is his private passion”

During the filming process, I will make sure that the actor who will be playing the character Mark, conveys the correct body language, so that my consumers will instantly establish the theme I will be trying to portray. I like the comment about makeup; I may actually include this feature within the introduction, as it would give a greater realism of the theme.

10. What do you believe the title for this introduction should be and why?

Although I only had twelve individual people who completed this questionnaire, I am so thankful for the informative comments I received. Listed below are some of the suggestions:-

The title 'Translife' revolves around him and his future about his decisions.”

“Discreet... Because that' what he is trying to be.”

“Lady Lust - as most men lust for women, whereas Mark lusts to be a woman, it could also be perceived to be his personas name”

“Not Alone - Several males may believe they are alone, but in fact this is quiet an open topic that is not taboo in today's society.”

“Me, because it is about Mark”

“Hidden, because he is hiding a secret desire”

“Who am I?"From my understanding of the script, Mark is not comfortable in the male role, however is not yet ready to 'come out' with this publicly. He is in limbo and asking himself "Who am I?”

I was finding it hard to conjure up a good title for my introduction. Some of the above suggestions have helped me to think of some possible titles like – Limbo and Discretion.

11. Do you have any dislikes or feel that a certain area within the script is unnecessary?

Ten participants declared that there were no dislikes. However, one person failed to comment and in contrast one educated male aged twenty one included this comment for reflection:

“I wonder if a boy would actually be embarrassed about reading a female magazine in front of his friends in this day and age. However, because he has a secret desire when looking at the clothes in the magazine, maybe he's actually paranoid. His friends might not actually think anything, but because he's hiding something he's paranoid”

12. What relevance do you feel the character Dylan plays in this introduction?

The majority of the participants basically suggested that Dylan was needed to highlight the stereotypical alpha male, which contrasted against Mark’s character.

“the juxtaposition between a stereotypical red blooded male and Mark. It also shows how awkward he feels and that he hides his habit”

I now will ensure that the character Dylan remains in my new script draft. There were no negative responses, but one male participant wrote:

“Dylan does emphasize the difference between Mark and the Male stereotype; however this may not be necessary as Marks differences will most likely, be instantly obvious to the audience”

13. I have included mood music for dramatic effect; do you think it has been implemented correctly? Or should I have used it elsewhere in the script, if so where and why?

All the participants believed the mood music would cause a dramatic effect and it was placed correctly within the script. Two interesting comments were:

“I think minimal use is good, it enhances how alone he is”

“Yes I think you have included in the right places, but what type of mood music were you 
going to include. I believe instrumental should be used instead of a slow emotional song.”

After reading all the responses, I will endeavour to include mood music within my next script and contemplate using purely instrumental music to evoke a deep sense of empathy for the character Mark.

 There was no additional information submitted from the participants of this questionnaire.